Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Masala Yogurt

Yogurt is such a thing which we can add many flavours to it and make it of our choice. So today I made my style of masala yogurt.

For making Masala Yogurt you will need :-

1/4 cup yogurt
Pinch of cumin powder
Pinch of red chilly powder
Pinch of sugar (optional)
Pinch of salt

Take yogurt and add cumin powder, red chilly powder, sugar and salt and your masala yogurt is done. I serve this with masala paratha, aloo paratha, palak paratha, etc.

Spinach Rice (Palak Pulav)

I try to include as many as possible vegetables in my everyday meal. So today I though of making palak pulav by which I can add many vegetables to it and also this is very healthy.

For making Palak Pulav you will need :-

1 cup of boiled rice
1 cup of palak puree (see below)
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped tomato
2-3 tablespoon chopped carrot
1/4 cup chopped green bell- pepper
2-3 cloves of garlic chopped
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon pulav masala
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2-3 teaspoon oil
1 green chilly chopped
1 teaspoon ginger chopped
Pinch of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon red chilly powder

Take a pot and add oil to heat and when it gets hot then add cumin seeds and allow to crackle. Add onions to it and saute till it get tender. Add green chillies and garlic to it and saute it for a minute. Add chopped tomatoes and saute it till it gets tender. Add green bell pepper and carrot and allow it to cook. After vegetables get cooked properly add all the spices and salt and mix well and saute it for a minute or so. Add palak puree and allow it to boil a minute or so. Add rice and mix well and cook till all water gets evaporated.

Garnish with corainder leaves and lemon. Serve with yogurt and papad.

Take bunch of palak and then wash it properly and then boil it in water and when it gets cool down remove all water and make a puree of it.

Refreshing Watermelon Salad

Summer is going on and we need something to to keep us cool. I though of making this salad with mix of fruits and vegetables.

For making salad you will need :-

1/2 cup diced watermelon
4-5 tablespoon of orange diced
1 leaf of lettuce chopped
1/4 cup tablespoon of tomatoes diced
1/2 cup diced raddish
Pinch of salt
Pinch of chat masala

Take all the vegetables and fruits in bowl. Mix well and add salt and chat masala and serve. This taste too good when it is seved chilled.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chana Masala ( Chickpea/ Garbanzo beans with Gravy)

When you are running short of green vegetables and want to eat something tasty and spicy then make this chana masala.... The only hassle is of soaking the garbanzo beans for 4-5 hours but if you buy canned garbanzo beans then it is very easy to make.

For making Chana Masala you will need :-

2 cup boiled chana/ chickpea/garbanzo beans
1 cup tomato puree
1 cup onion puree
3 cloves of chopped garlic
1 teaspoon garam masala
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon red chilly powder
4-5 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste
1/4 cup water (if needed)

Take a pot and add oil to it. When oil gets hot saute onion puree till it changes its colour. Add tomato puree thenafter and saute till it gets cooked well and some of the water gets dried up. Then add all the spices and roast it for 2-3 minutes. Add boiled chana to it and mix well. Cook it for about 4-5 minutes with covering lid on it. If you find it too dry add little bit of water to make it gravy. Then cook again for 2-3 minutes. Serve hot. Remove bay leaf before serving.

You can serve with roti, paratha, poori or bhatura and bundle of chopped onion.

Potato Subji - Left over Recipe

I try to make most use of the left over food and try to create a new recipe from that. Today I am sharing with you Potato Subji from the boiled potatoes which I have as left over. I have made is very simple by which no much of work is needed and you can have your subji for the next day....

For making Potato subji you will need :-

2 boiled, peeled and diced potatoes
1 green chilly chopped
1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon ginger chilly paste (optional)
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
3 tablespoon oil
3-4 curry leaves
1/2 lemon juice

Take a pot and heat oil in it. When oil gets hot add mustard seeds and when they crackle add cumin seeds and allow it to crackle. Add chopped green chillies, ginger chilly paste and curry leaves to it. Saute it for about 20-30 seconds. Add diced potatoes and then mix well. Add all the spices and mix well. Allow it to cook for a minute or so. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

This potato subji can be served hot or at room temperature. Also this can be eaten during fast (just escape mustard seeds). I serve with roti, bhakri or poori.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sev-Tomata Subji (Gram Flour Fried Noodles with Tomatoes)

Sev Tomato is Kathiyawadi dish. But it is also prepared in many houses because of its flavour, uniqueness and also very easy and quick subji. It is one of  my husband's favorite recipe. I serve with crispy bhakri or plain roti. Also to make it full meal I also serve rice, papad and mango pickle with it. It all goes together very well. I am sharing you the way I prepare it.

For making Sev-Tomato Subji you will need :- (seves 1 person)
1 tomato chopped
1 onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 tablespoon  oil
1 teaspoon red chilly powder
Pich of turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Pinch of Garam masala
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup sev

Take a pot and add oil to it. When oil gets hot add cumin seeds and allow it to crackle. Add chopped onions and garlic to it. Saute it for a minute or so. Add chopped tomatoes and saute it till it get tender. Add all the spices to it and saute it for half a minute or so. Then add water to it and allow it to boil till all the flavours gets mixed. Remove from the stove and take it into seving dish and top it up with sev at the time of serving. If sev is added ahead then the sev will loose it texture and subji will not taste good so add sev just before serving.

Masala Tea

In India masala tea is such a beverage which is available everywhere and it's popular too.... on streets, restaurants,etc. People just take it many times a day. In villages it is seved with cup and saucer and sometimes it feel to go desi and have tea in saucer.
 I personally like masala tea very much. In my house everyone takes tea in the morning and start our day. It is great to have a cup of tea at the chilling winter and during rains, the experience to have tea on roadsides of that lariwalla is too good. I have tried tea of many lariwalllas in India and  they also have a unique taste.

So for making this great beverage- masala tea you will need :-
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup milk
1 -1/2 teaspoon sugar (adjust to your taste)
1 teaspoon tea
Pinch of tea masala
Pinch of Cardamom powder

Take a pot and add water, milk, sugar, tea, tea masala and cardomom powder. Allow it to boil on medium heat. When it starts changing colour and boiling starts, stir in between. Allow atleast 6-7 boils of it. With the help of strainer pour in the mug and enjoy your masala tea.

You can also add ginger and mint leaves to it to make it more flavourful.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tip of the day (Uttapam Serving - for kids)

After a long time I am sharing you very simple Plain Uttapam serving style which your kids will love and also they can enjoy with chutney. By this serving style you can give your kids little green and they will surely love to eat it on just seeing it....

Just make a plain uttapam as you make. Apply coriander mint chutney in middle in circle. Then make little drops of ketchup as eyes and nose as carrot and bring it to table and the smile one you will see on your kids face!!!! No need to draw lips on it, right............

Savory Mixed Vegetable Muffin

I like to try with different ingredients and new food items. Last weekend we had some guest to come and I want some thing handy appetizer which everyone get it in equal amount and I don't have to bother about it. I tried first with only one vegetable muffin and when it turned out good, then I tried with more bigger lot and shared with you too...

For making savory mixed vegetable muffin you will need :-

1 cup of samolina/ suji
1 tablespoon whole wheat flour
2 tablespoon red chilly sauce
1/2 tablespoon ketchup
3-4 tablespoon yogurt 
3-4 tablespoon vegetables (corn, french beans, peas, carrot)
Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon mix of chilly flakes and oregeno
Pinch of baking soda
Cooking spray
Cupcake liners
Water as needed

Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients. Make a pouring consistency batter, but not too watery. Take cupcake liners and apply cooking spray properly. Then pour the mixture in it 3/4 till it edge. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and then bake it for 15-20 minutes at 425 degrees in middle rack. Adjust it according to your oven. Remove from oven and check weather it is cooked from inside with the help of toothpick. Allow it to cool down little bit and serve hot or at room temperature with tomato ketchup.

Methi Bajri Dhebra/ Thepla (Green Fenugreek Leaves Pearl Millet Paratha)

I like fenugreek leaves too much. My mother use to make different subji using fenugreek leaves. It goes very well with eggplant, potatoes, peas, etc. Its all about green vegetables !!! Out of all these the combination which she does with pearl millet (bajri) and make a sort of paratha out of it, I just love it. I used to eat with homemade makkhan (unsalted butter). This was my favorite winter all time snack. We used to make it often in winter time and in rest of the season she used to dry those fenugreek leaves and store it and use as and when needed.

Lets make this Methi Bajri Dhebra, for which you will need :-

1 cup of bajri flour
5-6 tablespoon of whole wheat flour
4 tablespoon of olive oil/ canola oil (for making dough)
1 teaspoon carom seeds
3/4 cup of grated and washed fenugreek leaves
Pinch of turmeric powder
4-5 tablespoon of sour yougurt
1-1/2 tablespoon sugar (optional)
Salt to taste
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1/2 tablespoon ginger and chilly paste (adjust to your taste)
1 teaspoon garlic paste (optional)
Water as needed
Oil for roasting

Take a bowl and mix all the dry ingredients first. Then add yogurt, oil, fenugreek leaves and all the spices and mix well. Then slowly add water to it and make a dough like paratha. Allow it to rest for about 10-15 minutes. Take a small ball size dough and roll it round. If you find it hard to roll it take little wheat flour and then roll it. Take a griddle and warm it up and then put dhebra on it for roasting. Cook it both sides. After that apply oil on both the sides and roast till it get golden brown spots and cooked properly.

Dhebra can stay good at room temperature for about 1-2 days and in refrigerator for about 3-4 days. Enjoy with a cup of tea or as it is with mango pickle or unsalted butter and I am sure you will make it again.

Carrot Instant Pickle

When I was younger and going to school my mother use to give me carrot juice in winter time. Frankly speaking I just hate to drink that but at that time I was not aware of the benefits of eating carrot. It is rich in Vitamins and it helps in good vision, better skin, heart disease, etc. It also gives a nice colour to our salads.
Today I thought of making something different out of carrot- carrot pickle. My mother use to make this often and I like this carrot pickle. My husband likes this very much so I also make it in bulk and we take it with our everyday meal. It does not have oil in it so its healthy too...

 For making carrot pickle you will need :-

1 cup carrot cut lenght wise
Salt to taste
1 lemon juice
1 teaspoon split mustard seeds (available in Indian grocery stores)

Take a bowl (preferably glass) and mix all the ingredients well. Cover it with lid and allow it to rest for about an hour or more. Mix it well again and then it can be served with roti, paratha, etc. It can stay good at room temperature for about 1 day and after that you can make in batches and preserve in refrigerator for about 3-4 days.

Potato Chick Pea Salad

When we serve an meal like sandwhich, lasanga, pasta, etc we need something to accompany it. Yesterday I had get-togather of some of our close friends and prepared vegetable sandwhich for the dinner and though of making this potato chick pea salad to accompany it. I made for the first time and you would not belive that everybody just go on eating this.... It taste really good, so I though of sharing this recipe with you. This salad can be served little warm or at room temperature.

For making Potato Chick Pea Salad

1 cup Chick Pea boiled
1 cup diced  boiled potatoes
1/2 teaspoon chilly flakes
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
4  tablespoon green bell pepper
1/4 cup green onion
1 teaspoon parsley flakes
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoon olive oil
Salt to taste

Take a pan and add olive oil to it. When it gets hot add green onion and saute it little bit. Add chick pea and boiled potatoes and all other ingredients to it and mix well. Saute it for a minute or so. Serve warm with soup, sandwhich or garlic bread.

Rotlo (Pearl Millet Roti)

I posted Baingan Bharta earlier and to accompany with it I thought of making rotlo with it. Rotlo with baingan bharta and a dollop of ghee and jaggery is very healthy meal. I also seve with it pickled chillies and I am very sure if you serve in this way you will remind of that thaba food which is served on road sides. 

Traditionally it is made with hand and not by using rolling pin but I don't get it in correct shape and thickness from all sides so I roll it. My mother and my grandmother make using hand and their rotlo comes out far better than me but its matter of practice....

So lets not talk and dig in to the recipe :-
1 cup of bajri (pearl millet) flour
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup water

Take a bowl and add bajri flour to it and add salt and mix well. Add little water at time and make a smooth dough but don't make it too elastic. Kneat the dought with your palm several times to make it smooth so that rotlo can roll easily. Cover it with damp cloth for about 10-15 minutes. Take a tennis ball size of dough and dig it into bajri or wheat flour and then roll with rolling pin. Take a nonstick griddle and when its hot then put the rotlo on it and cook it one side first. When it is cooked one side flip it over and cook another side. Then remove from the flame and roast it on the flame so that is cooked properly. 
Serve with a dollop of ghee and jaggery on top of it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Koprapak (Coconut Burfi/ Ladoo)- Easy & Instant

Rakshabandhan has just passed and today I am sharing with you the special dessert which I made for Rakshabandhan. Belive me it taste just amazing!!! I made it small ladoo so everyone gets their own and perfect also for munching. Lets not talk and dig into the recipe....

For making koprapak you will need :-
14 oz Condensed Milk
1-1/2 cups of dry coconut/ powder
Cardamom powder (adjust to your taste)
1 teaspoon of ghee
1 tablespoon Milk powder (optional)

Note :- I have just eyeballed the measurement, but make sure to add condensed milk gradually after folding or mixing small portions with coconut powder.

Basic Method :-
Take a bowl and add 1 cup of dry coconut and add condensed milk till it get mixed properly with dry coconut. Add cardamom powder and mix well. Consistency should be such that you can hold and roll in your hand small balls. Also adjust proportion as per sweetness required by you. Allow it to sit about 10-15 minutes. Then take a ghee in your palm and roll again all the balls so that it gets smooth. You can also add milk powder to it to make it stiff faster and also it gives little creamy taste.

In above paragaraph I shared you basic recipe, I also made it with mango pulp by folding in mango pulp and milk powder with the basic recipe and this also taste good. But consume this mango koprapak before it gets stale.

Garnish with the almond slives or pistachio slives.

Try this and enjoy.......

Wheat Paratha (Plain Paratha)

In India different types of paratha are available. But traditionally  in all the houses mostly plain paratha is prepared for day to day food. Well I am also found of different paratha like onion paratha, pigeon peas paratha, mooli paratha, palak paneer paratha, etc. Today I will share with you basic paratha and then we can move further with all the paratha which I mentioned. I just love all these paratha.

For making wheat flour paratha you will need :-

2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 cup of water
Salt to taste
1 tablespoon Cumin seeds
4-5 tablespoon oil
Oil for shallow frying

Take a big bowl preferably broad in size and add whole wheat flour to it and add salt and cumin seeds and mix it. Then add oil to it and mix properly. Add little water at time and kneat a dough not too soft nor too tight. When it gets combined cover it allow it to rest for about 10-15 minutes.  Take a small proportion of dough (golf size) ball and then roll it. Take a griddle and allow it to get hot, after that put paratha on it and allow it to roast it on one side and then flip it over. Allow to cook another side also. Take about 1 teaspoon of oil and apply it on paratha and same way do another side after it gets fliped. Roast till light golden spots are seen or it is cooked properly both sides.

Enjoy with your favorite subji.

Baingan Bharta (Eggplant Subji)

Hey guys I want to share with you today one of my favorite subji i.e. Baingan Bharta. I know that some of the people just don't like baingan (eggplant) at all but I just love any combination with eggplant weather it is with potatoes, pigeon peas, green peas, fresh fenugreek leaves, etc. We use 2-3 types of eggplant in size and quality when we prepare Undhiyu at home. But today I am sharing you Baingan Bharta for which you need a very big size eggplant.

For making Baingan Bharta you will need:-

1 big eggplant
Water for cooking
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup green onion (optional)
1 cup tomatoes chopped
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon cumin powder
3 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon red chilly powder ( adjust to your taste)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/4 teaspoon coriander and cumin powder
Few strands of coriander leaves for garnishing
Pinch of garam masala.

Pressure cook the eggplant by making big pieces of out it and when it gets cool down take out the skin. Mash it properly. Take a pot and add oil to it and when it gets hot add cumin seeds to it. When it starts crackling add onion and allow it to roast properly. Then add tomatoes and green onion and cook it properly. Add all the spices and cook for a minute or so. Then add mashed eggplant to it mix well and allow it to cook for about 3-5 minutes and garnish with coriander leaves. You can also add  green chillies if you want extra hot. I like it little spicy so I always add little bit of green chillies.

It goes very well with bajri rotla, wheat bhakri, wheat poori and paratha.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Wheat Poori

Poori is traditional Indian flat bread which is fried in oil. Today I am sharing you basic recipe of poori which can go with any subji, shrikhand, chole, etc.

Lets make it:-

1 cup of whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
Water as needed

Take a bowl and add whole wheat flour to it and add salt and oil to it and mix well. Make a not too tight nor too soft dough. Cover it and allow it to rest for about 30 minutes. Make a small ball of dough (cherry size) and then roll it round. Take a pan and add oil for frying and fry this rolled pooris when the oil is hot. Keep the temperature to medium and flip it over when it is cooked one side. When it is done take out of oil and serve. You can serve hot or you can make ahead of time and serve.

This poori stays good for about 2-3 days at room temperature. Try room temperature poori's with a cup of tea I am sure you will ask again for it.

Paneer Butter Masala (Easy)

Mostly all like Punjabi food even I do. I often make different punjabi subji but it takes a lot of time to prepare. So today I worked out an easy option to make it. I used " Rasoi Magic Paneer Butter Masala". It's pretty quick and very easy to make and no need to remember any spices. To make it more creamy and buttery I added Heavy Whipping Cream when gravy was done. This gives to it very rich flavour.

Make subji as directed on Rasoi Magic Paneer Butter Masala and then when the gravy is done just add 2-3 tablespoon of heavy whipping cream and mix well. It will take your subji to next level. Just try this.....

You can also try Rasoi Magic other spice mix of your choice. I have tried all of them and all are really very good when you want to make punjabi subji within short time.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Spicy Cracked wheat

I like to try new recipe with the same ingredients or the items which is available with me. Trying with new combinations and spices truly thrill me. When the recipe comes out great I share with you. Today I am sharing you the one of them. We generally make fada lapsi (sweet) out of cracked wheat, but today we took up same cracked wheat and made it spicy which can be served instead of rice or khichadi.

For preparing it you will need:-
1/2 cup of cracked wheat
1 cup of water
1-2 tablespoon of oil
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/2 green chillies chopped ( adjust to your taste)
1/2 teaspoon garam masala
Salt to taste
3 tablespoon red onion
1 clove of garlic

Take a pan and allow oil to heat then add cumin seeds and allow it to crackle. When they start crackling add  onion and garlic to it and roast it little bit, then add cracked wheat and roast it. Keep the flame to low. Allow it to roast till it get little brown colour. Then add water and add all the spices to it. Cover with lid and do check in between so they dont stick to pan. If it is uncooked and all water is absorbed then add little more water. When they are cooked your spicy cracked wheat is done. 
You can make it like pulav by adding vegetables of your choice, I have made it little simple but you can add or less the vegetables of your choice.You can top it up with fresh coriander leaves and lemon.

Cauliflower Subji

Gujarati menu mostly consist of dal, rice, subji and roti. Today I am sharing you very basic recipe of Cauliflower subji (shaak) which can go with roti, paratha and puri very well. This is my husband's one of the favorite subji. 

For making Cauliflower subji you will need :-

2 cups Cauliflower florets properly washed
1 teaspoon red chilly powder
1/2 teaspoon coriander cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon mix of cumin and mustard seeds
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
Salt to taste 
Pinch of Garam Masala
3-4 tablespoon of water
2 tablespoon of oil

Take a pan and add oil to it and when oil gets hot add mix of cumin and mustard seeds. Allow it to crackle then add cauliflower florets to it. Add a 1-2 tablespoon of water. Add turmeric powder and salt to it. Cover it with lid. Stir in between. When it is half cooked add another 1-2 tablespoon of water and cover it again. Don't let it burn. When the cauliflower is cooked add chilly powder, cumin and coriander powder and garam masala and roast it about 1 minute. Cover it for about 20-30 seconds so all the flavours get mixed properly.
Garnish with fresh coriander and your cauliflower subji is ready to serve....

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dal - Dhokli with Masala Paratha

Today I am sharing with you very traditional Gujarati recipe. It's Dal-Dhokli!!! It is made mostly in every Indian house. I am not a big fan of Dal-Dhokli but my husband it is one of his favorite Gujarati food so I make it often. Traditionally it is served with kachumber (salsa), rice, papad, mango pickle and masala paratha. I serve with masala paratha so this is my way of making Dal-Dhokli.

For preparing it you will need:-
1 cup of tuvar dal boiled and mashed
2-3 cups of water
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 tablespoon coriander cumin powder
1 tablespoon red chilly powder (adjust to your taste)
3 tablespoon of jaggery
Salt to taste
2-3 kokam

For tampering of dal you will need:-
2 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2-3 curry leaves
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

For Masala Paratha you will need:-
2 cups of whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2-3 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon red chilly powder
Salt to taste
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
Water as needed
Pinch of Asafotedia
Oil for roasting


Masala Paratha
Take a bowl and add all the dry ingredients first and mix it. Then add oil to it and mix again. Then gently add water to make a dough not to stiff not too soft. Take a small ball of it and roll it and add to the griddle and cook both sides properly. Then apply oil both the sides and allow it to cook till you see light brown spots on both the sides.

For making dal you take a big vessel and add boiled tuvar dal and add water to it and add all the spices to it.
 Then for the tampering of dal take oil and add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, asafotedia, fenugreek seeds and allow it to crackle then at last add curry leaves otherwise they will splutter.
Add tampering to dal.
 Make a dough of masala paratha , dhokli is made out of same masala paratha dough. Roll big paratha and cut it with the help of knife or pizza cutter in small square or diamond shape. Add one by one to the boiling dal and stir in between otherwise they will stick to bottom of your pan. You will need to roll 3-4 big paratha and add it to dal in the same way as described. Allow the dokla to cook in dal. When it is almost 75% cooked add kokam  to it.

When it is done or the dhokla is cooked garnish with corainder leaves.

Your dal-dhokli with masala paratha is ready to serve!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Beans Dip

Every one needs some variation in day to day food. So lets make a beans dip today. I am sharing with you very easy beans dip. This dip goes very well with any kind of chips and also pita bread. Due to its simplicity I love to make it again and again and it is also stomach filling.

For making it you will need:-
1  tin (16OZ) Vegetarian Rosarita Refried Beans
5 tablespoon cheese (of your choice)
1 tablespoon red chilly sauce
1 tablespoon tomatoes
1 tablespoon sliced olives
4 tablespoon green bell pepper
Water as needed

Take a bowl and mix tomatoes, olives, beans, green bell pepper and chilly sauce. Add water to make it little water about 2-3 tablespoon to it and mix well. Microwave it for about 30 seconds. Take out and mix it again. Garnish with cheese. 

You can serve beans dip hot or at room temperature as you like. It goes very well with tortilla chips. It can also serve as base for making Quesadillas.

Do try it and make it on your next party at home or it is great dip to carry for picnic.....